Leiter: Stiven Kerestegian – Head of Innovation IKEA
Datum: 27. Juni 2019
Uhrzeit: 10.00 – 12.00 Uhr
Ort: Prager Fotoschule, Tabakfabrik Linz, Bau1, Stiege/Lift A, OG 1
TeilnehmerInnen: max. 25 PAX
Preis: 20,- exkl. USt & Eventbrite-Gebühren
Warum es notwendig ist, weg vom personenzentrierten Design zur lebenszentrierten Innovation überzugehen, erklärt Stiven so: „In the span of my 20 year career, I have witnessed the role of strategic design evolve quickly from a focus on look and feel, to technology driven, to being people-centred. In order to continue creating meaningful positive impact, design as a practice needs to evolve even further and pro-actively go beyond a human (anthropocentric) approach to problem solving. As designers, we need to be life-long-learners and quickly start cultivating new sensibilities and skills that empower us to design for co-evolution, resilience and the scales beyond our human visibility. This new approach does not replace the complexity of all the other variables we have come to embrace, but is yet another crucial constraint that we must integrate into our process. Today as a society, we find ourselves in a desperate global environmental situation that requires creative future-proof solutions that embrace a much more wholistic life-centred approach. For designers and innovators, this requires an expansion of our scope of influence and ethical considerations relative to balancing the health of our global societies and interdependent economies in our one and only home, planet earth.“
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Die INNOVATION COFFEE BREAK mit Stiven wird in Englisch abgehalten.
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